Friday 12 May 2000

Episode #223

Ethan relates to his mother what happened to Sheridan and that she is back in Harmony. Ivy is stunned to know that Sheridan had Luis arrested for kidnapping when he was responsible for saving her life on more than one occasion -- what a mess. She worries about Pilar being upset. Ethan then leaves to see if Sheridan has arrived back at her cottage. Ivy enters Julian's study and finds him listening to a tape of the jazz song that Eve used to sing. He is talking to himself saying 'Sing my love, sing!'. Ivy asks who he is talking to. Being shot into reality, Julian bolts up from his chair and asks Ivy what she is doing there. He suggests that she go read a book and stop bothering him. Ivy then questions him on who is singing the song. He replies that he doesn't know what she is talking about. Then she replies, never mind she knows who it is. This leaves Julian shocked as he wonders to himself if Ivy really knows something. Then Ivy replies that it must be one of his concubines. Julian is relieved, he then asks her what she is doing in his study. She tells him that she wants the Governor's private line phone number and that she knows he keeps it in his desk. He leaves her to find it herself. As Ivy rummages through the desk, she finds the 'Luis mask' still lying in a drawer. She asks him why he still has it lying around. She gets angry at him telling him that he destroyed Sheridan's one chance at True Love with Luis and has no regrets. Julian lashes back that she knows nothing about True love and that Luis could never make Sheridan happy. He says that he did what he had to do to ensure the safety of the Crane family. It was his duty. Ivy then threatens to go and show Sheridan the mask. Julian grabs the mask out of her hand and tells her that he also did it to secure Ethan's future. Ivy settles down and becomes quiet. Julian smiles satisfied. Ivy then takes the phone number and leaves the room. Julian goes back to the tape, but as he presses the play button, the tape stretches. Julian becomes upset and pulls the tape out of the player and says that wherever Ivy is, bad luck follows. He notices the article about Crystal in the paper and decides to go the Jazz club to hear her. When he arrives, he remembers the place where he first met Eve. He moves over to the bar to have a drink. Meanwhile, Hank continues to kiss Sheridan at the cottage and she begins to get into it as she dreams that she is kissing Luis. She remembers when they kissed on the pier and she wraps her arms around Hank's neck. When they finally break apart, Hank smiles and comments how amazing that was. Sheridan however realizes that she just kissed Hank and not Luis. She closes up and tries to send Hank away, saying that she is tired and jet lagged. Hank is disappointed, saying that he thought she was going to ask him to stay. He then comments that she is still sorry that she had Luis arrested. Just then, Ethan walks in, happy to see his favorite aunt. Hank excuses himself and leaves. Ethan asks if really saw what hat he thought, referring to seeing Hank and Sheridan kissing. Sheridan tells him that it is not what he is thinking. She says that she has no romantic feelings for the Hank. Ethan then says that it is because her heart is still with Luis. Sheridan tries to deny it saying that Luis is just like all the other men that she has been with. He is just out to use her. She remembers the night that she saw and heard 'Luis' talking on the phone on the pier. She comes back into reality and Ethan asks her what she would do if she learned that Luis never said that he was using her. She replies that it would change everything. Ethan tells Sheridan that she should follow her heart when it comes to Luis. Then he tells her to spend the night in the mansion. She agrees and they head off. At the house, they stop in the study for Sheridan to leave a message for Pilar. The mask of Luis is peeking out of the top draw as Sheridan draws closer, wondering what secrets the desk holds. Tina brings Luis something to eat and she tells him that Sheridan left with Hank. He seems disappointed, but when Tina asks him how he can be so calm about her spending time with his best friend, he denies having it bother him. He tells her about his past with Sheridan and how they met. She is shocked and tells him that he should find out why things went bad. She tells him to find out what he did to her for her to slap him. He says that he doesn't care anymore and that Hank could have her. Tina tells him that he should face the fact that there is definitely chemistry between them and that he loves her. Luis denies but then goes silent. Chad is still talking to Crystal. She is on the verge of telling him what he wants to hear about his real parents, when his cellular phone rings. It is Simone. Chad is in a rush talking to her. She asks him if he is really leaving town, then he replies that he was planning to, but something has come up. He may have a lead on his family. Simone is ecstatic. He then tells her that he is in the middle of something and that he has to do. She, with Kay's probing, asks where he is. He replies hurriedly that he has to go and says good-bye. He turns back to Crystal and apologizes for the interruption, however, soon after the bartender comes up and tells her that it is time for her to go back on stage. Chad begins to panic, but she replies that she will tell him what she knows after she is finished singing. He calms down and tells her that he will wait for her. All that he has right now is time. Crystal goes up on stage and dedicates the next song to new friends. Chad smiles a bit to himself and as he listens to the song, a tear rolls down his face. A little while later, Simone shows up to Chad's surprise. They move to a table where he asks her what on earth she is doing there. He asks why she is dressed like that, but before she could respond, he withdraws the question and says the he is happy that she came. He tells her that Crystal knows about him and can possibly tell him about his parents. When Crystal finally finishes singing, she heads over to the table. Chad asks her to sit and continue telling him what she knows. Crystal hesitates, first asking who the girl is and then saying that it probably wasn't the right place or time to be talking about it. He tells her that Simone is a very good friend and that she has been trying to help him find his family since he got to Harmony, she can be trusted. Crystal relaxes and sits down. Chad asks her again if she really knew who his parents were. She says yes. She thinks she can probably tell him something about both his parents. Just then, Eve enters the Club and searches for Crystal. Back in Simone's room, Kay tells Simone that she has to go to the Jazz Club and be with Chad. Simone is reluctant because she is under aged and that her mother would kill her if she found out that she snuck out of the house to go there. Kay finally convinces her and says that she already has a plan. Kay dresses Simone up in a long black wig and make up. They come downstairs, unaware that Eve is awake in the kitchen reading the newspaper. Kay picks up Eve's makeup bag and applies more blush to Simone's face. Simone still is insecure about doing this. As Kay reaches to put the bag back on the center table, it slips and falls off. Eve hears the noise from the kitchen and calls out who's there. The girls run and hide as Eve comes out into the sitting room. She does not see anyone, but notices the bag on the floor. She is suspicious about what is going on. She picks up the bag and puts it back into her purse and heads back into the kitchen. Simone uses the time to sneak out the door. Back in the kitchen, Eve talks to herself trying to forget about her friend Crystal, thinking that she is nowhere near Harmony. Then, she sees the article announcing the guest singer at the Harmony Jazz Club - it is Crystal. Eve panics, thinking that if Crystal decides to say anything to the wrong person about her past, Eve's life would be destroyed! She heads over to the Club to try to talk Crystal into leaving town before it is too late.

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