Tuesday 23 May 2000

Episode #230

Kay warns Simone that Theresa is working hard to create sparks between Chad and Whitney. At the jazz club, Eve hisses at Crystal to leave Harmony at once. Unnerved to spot his sister in close conversation with Luis, Julian quietly warns the policeman that he'll find himself behind bars once again if he doesn't keep up his end of their bargain. Ivy is irked to realize that Eve lied to her about Sam's plans for the evening. A frustrated Chad pressures Crystal for the name of his birth mother but she continues to stonewall. Later, Eve slips backstage and pleads with Crystal to cancel her performance. Kay and Simone panic upon discovering that both sets of their parents are in attendance at the club. Meanwhile, Ivy plops herself down at the Bennetts and Russells' table as Crystal launches into her first set. Pierre orders his man in Harmony to put an immediate hit on Sheridan. Eve calls Ivy's bluff, then counters with a threat of her own.

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