Thursday 11 May 2000

Episode #222

Hank drives Sheridan back to Harmony. Sheridan feels guilty about having Luis arrested for kidnapping. Hank tells her that it wasn't her fault that she just did what she had to do, but Sheridan still feels guilty. Hank tells her that even though he has good motives, when Luis gets in this 'Tarzan' mood, there's no stopping him. She tells him to stop the car and turn it around. She wants to go back to try to reverse what she has done. Hank tells her that she already tried to no avail, so it makes no sense going back. Sheridan asks Hank if Luis asked about her. If he told Luis that she was sorry, but Hank lies and tells her that he only left the message that he doesn't want her in his life ever again, even though he remembers Luis asking about her. Sheridan makes a firm statement saying that if that's what he wants then she agrees. If she ever sees Luis again, it will be too soon. Hank stops the car and asks her if she is serious about what she just said. She confirms it and then says that she feels so much better. She tells him that she doesn't feel guilty anymore and wants to go out instead of going home. Hank is happy about this and tells her to sit back because this will be a night she will never forget. They go to the Harmony Jazz Club where they sit and have drinks and dance. Hank stares at Sheridan and tells her that he loves it when she laughs. That this is the Sheridan that he remembers. Later that night, Hank drops Sheridan off at the Crane mansion at her little house. She brings up Luis again, then tells Hank that she is sorry when she notices Hank's changed expression. He says that it is okay. Sheridan goes into a daze remembering her first date with Luis and how he kissed her goodnight. When she comes back into reality she just tells Hank that she is jet lagged. She tells him that normally when she's like this she doesn't get any sleep. He then suggests that he stay over and keeps her company. Sheridan politely turns down his offer. She thinks about Luis again and tells Hank that it will just take some time. He then pulls her into a kiss. Simone and Kay arrive in the kitchen and Kay tries to think of a plan to spoil Prom night for Miguel and Charity. They remember when Charity destroyed the Carrie tape. Kay is still upset saying that she could be studying the tape now. Simone then remembers seeing Whitney dancing with Chad on television and gets upset when she realizes that her sister lied to her again. Kay then says that they should tell her parents about what they saw stating that this would ensure that Whitney and Chad never see each other again. Simone doesn't think it's a good idea because she remembers how close her father came to 'losing it.' Meanwhile, Eve listens to a song over the radio, which causes her to remember her past at the Jazz Club in Boston. She remembers talking to her friend Crystal, telling her that she got pregnant and she has to leave Boston. They talk about how she got herself in the situation, but when Crystal asks about the 'father' she tells her that she can't discuss that. Crystal asks what she is hoping for a little girl who can sing like an angel just like her mother? Eve says that she is hoping for a boy. Just then, T.C. comes down the stairs and brings Eve back into reality saying how music has a way of taking you back in time. He makes a comment about the song, saying that it is sad to lose a child. He tells her that he remembers when they were trying for their third child -- a son and how he knew that no son could ask for a more perfect mother. He then asks her if she wants to try again! She says that the timing is not right for them, but that doesn't mean that they can't still make love. Outside, Whitney tries to convince herself that it is good that Chad is leaving town, he upsets her family too much. She thinks that she can't go against her mother because she is her hero and the best role model in the world. She looks through the window and sees her mother in the sitting room and wonders if she saw her with Chad a few minutes earlier. She decides to go around to the back and enter through the kitchen, where she meets Simone and Kay chatting. They look over at Whitney and smile. Simone asks what Whitney is doing sneaking in the back door. She covers by replying that she saw their mother in the room and did not want to answer a set of questions. Simone then asks her why. Whitney turns to Kay and says that if she thinks everything is cool between the two of them that she is wrong. Kay plays innocent and Whitney reminds her of what she did. Simone comes in and agrees that Kay does tend to shoot off her mouth and that she does ask embarrassing questions, but that she has an uncanny way of finding the truth. Whitney is confused, then Simone clarifies and says that she saw her at the Charity function with Chad. Whitney tries to deny this but when Simone says that she saw her on television, Whitney begins to panic and ask if her parents saw it too. Simone says she doesn't know, but that it may be the reason why they are still awake this late. Again, Whitney panics and begs them not to tell her parents about it. Just then Eve and T.C. walk into the kitchen and ask what is going on. Whitney coves saying that she didn't want them to know that she had an incomplete project. They believe this excuse and after stating that it she shouldn't hide this from them, Kay asks if they watched any television. They said no and leave to go back to bed. Simone again questions her sister about what really happened at the cabin, believing that her sister had been lying to her all this time about how she feels about Chad. Whitney denies that she has any change of heart, then blurts out that Chad will be leaving Harmony and leaves the room. Simone gets upset and begins to cry, asking Kay what they are going to do. Kay says that they will find a way to keep Chad in Harmony, by helping him to find his family. Whitney goes into the sitting room and tries to convince herself again that it is a good thing that Chad is leaving. Chad listens intently to Crystal and she sings and asks the bartender who the 'friend' is that she dedicated the song to. He says that she always says the same thing every time she sings the song, but she never names the friend. After singing, Crystal goes to the bar to have a drink. Chad approaches her and compliments her singing. She thanks him but as he offers to pay for her drink, she gives him a cold shoulder, thinking that he was just trying to hit on her. Chad makes a comment about a twist that she gave the song while singing. She dismisses it as part of the song, but becomes interested when she realizes that he knows about music. She turns to face him, saying that if he heard her 'friend' sing that song, it would definitely move him. Chad continues to probe Crystal about her friend, asking her questions about her name, if she sings---but Crystal gives only roundabout answers. She says that she hasn't kept in touch with the friend and that even though she keeps her eye out on the music market, she never sees her name. She tells him that her friend really had a great voice, and that she could have made it very big in the music business. Chad then asks what happened. Crystal looks at him and says that her friend got pregnant. Chad asks if she could have picked up the act after she had the baby but Crystal says that things were very confusing for her friend. She tells him that her friend caught a lot of bad breaks. Chad tells her that he can understand that because his life was the same way. He tells her about his life in L.A. and how his producer cheated him out of recognition. He eventually tells her that he will make it in the music business. She then tells him about her life. She asks him his name when he says Harris, she seems shocked, telling him that her last name is also Harris! Chad becomes very excited and tells her that the reason he came to Harmony was to find out about his parents. Crystal becomes a little closed up, then she tells him that she is not from Harmony so she might not be able to help him. When he eventually tells her his first name, she is stunned. Chad picks up on this and asks what is wrong. She tells him that a long time ago, someone asked if they could use her maiden name, and then asked her what her father's name was Chad!

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