Wednesday 3 May 2000

Episode #216

Sheridan looks at the complaint, and then at Luis. Luis tells her that if she signs that complaint she is messing with his entire career. Sheridan says that policemen are supposed to protect people, not kidnap them. Luis tells her that if he hadn't, she'd be dead. Luis tells her to at least have the decency to admit that he saved her life, but she says the only thing he's done is try to control her life. Luis tells her she can screw up her life all she wants, but he won't let her screw his. Sheridan tells Luis she can do whatever she pleases. Luis tells Sheridan fine, if she wants to sign the complaint the she should go ahead and do it. Tina thinks they can settle this without signing any complaints, all that is needed is a little apology. Luis is willing to accept an apology, but Tina says Sheridan wants him to apologize to her. Luis refuses and says she owes him an apology. Sheridan refuses to apologize to Luis and calls him a chauvinistic cave man. Luis asks to be taken away before he does something he regrets, and Sheridan is glad to help him along by signing the complaint against him. Tina apologizes to Luis, and he is taken away. Luis gets to place his one phone call, and calls Sam. Sheridan tells Tina that she had to teach Luis a lesson, and asks if they can just tear up the complaint? Tina tells Sheridan that there is no taking it back. Tina gives Sheridan hell and tells her that she just had to win this contest, and if she wasn't so stubborn she would see how much alike she and Luis actually are. Tina tells Sheridan that there is nothing else she can do here, she should go back to Harmony. Sheridan asks Tiny if Luis is going . . . Tina tells her yes, Luis is going to jail. Luis is booked, and Sheridan feels terrible. Before he is taken away, Sheridan stops him and says she has to tell him something. Sheridan says she is sorry, but Luis says he doesn't want to hear it! Luis tells her to go celebrate, she got what she wanted. Sheridan says she just wanted to teach him a lesson. Luis says she did teach him a lesson, he'll never trust him again! Both Sheridan and Luis tell the other that they never want to see the other again. Before Luis leaves, Luis tells Sheridan not to let her guard down, just because she's home doesn't mean those guys aren't coming after her. Chad and Whitney are shocked to see one another, and Whitney thinks Theresa and Ethan set her up. They swear they didn't know the other was coming. Whitney refuses to stay if Chad is, so Chad says he will leave. Unfortunately, the planner of the show enters Ethan and Theresa and Chad and Whitney in the Perfect Couple Contest. Ethan says they are only friends, but he says friends make the best couples. To make matters worse, the contest is being broadcast on TV! Whitney and Theresa end up getting dressed up in bridal gowns while Ethan and Chad get dressed up in tuxes. The first contest begins, the brides have to tie their grooms bow tie. Whitney refuses to do this, and Chad thinks that Whitney only does things she is good at. Whitney says she can tie a simple bow tie, and begins to tie Chad's tie. They both win the contest, and move on to the next event. They are forced to put on a blindfold, and feed wedding cake to one another. After the contest, Whitney and Chad both apologize to one another for snapping at the other. Chad tells Whitney that he'll talk to her pops and make sure he knows there is nothing going on between them. Later, all the contestants dance. Whitney and Chad sit it out, because Whitney's leg is still hurting. However, they are informed if they don't dance, they will forfeit the prize, and then the coordinator forces them to dance like people in love, not strangers. Fred Ferguson, the owner of the Lobster Shack, is delighted that Julian has shown up at his little restaurant. Meanwhile, Grace leaves when she sees a friend, and TC goes into a rage when he spots Julian. Sam tells TC that they can leave, but TC says he can control himself. Grace returns, and they all talk about the wedding, and other things. TC wants to plan a big surprise for Eve, he wants to find her family for her and have a big party. Grace loves the idea, and says they could even find some old photos of Eve and friends and blow them up. Later, Sam gets a call from Luis, who has been arrested. Sam asks Luis what in the hell is wrong with Sheridan Crane? Sam says he will get him out of there somehow, he won't let Sheridan get away with this. Meanwhile, TC wonders what is taking Eve so long, so Grace offers to go see what is holding her up. In the bathroom, Eve refuses to help Ivy break up Sam and Grace's marriage. Ivy tells Eve that is fine, but when she shows TC these photos he will probably kill Julian, and then TC will spend his life in jail because of her, unless Alistair uses his influence to get him the death penalty. She also says when her daughters learn about her past, they will probably follow in her footsteps. Ivy turns to leave, but Eve asks her to wait. Ivy asks if she has changed her mind? Eve says no, she wanted to give her another chance to give her back the photos. Ivy refuses, and doesn't know why Eve would want to wreck her marriage for Grace, the yard sale queen. Eve "how dares" Ivy for insulting Grace, and she tells Ivy that Grace is a good woman and was a second mother to her girls. Eve gets down on her knees and begs Ivy to have a heart, have some humanity. She begs Ivy to tear up the photos and not ask her to stab her best friend in the back. Ivy tells Eve that with or without her help, she is going after Sam and won't stop until she gets him. Ivy tells Eve that she can't protect Grace's marriage, but she can save her own. Eve asks God to forgive her, and agrees to help Ivy. Eve asks for the photos, but Ivy says she won't get them until she has Sam in her bed. Eve accuses Ivy of being a cold, hateful, despicable woman, a desperate mother, and a horrible wife. Ivy asks Eve what kind of friend she is? Eve says nothing, and Ivy says perhaps they aren't so different after all. After Ivy leaves, Eve touches up her makeup, and Grace shows up. Grace is crying and tells Eve that she knows all about her helping Ivy go after Sam, she heard the whole thing! Grace says she thought she was her friend! Eve says she had no choice. Grace tells her that she thought she knew her, but now she's sorry they ever met! Of course it was all a nightmarish daydream. Grace comes in and never heard a word of what went on. Ivy returns to Julian, who wonders what took her so long. Meanwhile, Grace and Eve return to Sam and TC, and when Grace sees Ivy and Julian, she thinks they should ask them to join them. TC and Sam refuse, claiming the table is only big enough for four. Later, a contest is held to find the captain and first mate of the Lobster Shack, and Julian and Eve have the winning lobsters! They have to wear ridiculous hats, and Julian thanks Ivy for dragging him here. Grace hopes Eve isn't mad at her, because next to Sam and the girls, she means everything to her. As they are all leaving, Ivy whispers to Eve that she'll be in touch.

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