Tuesday, 28 March 2000

Episode #190

Julian is fooling around with the Luis mask when Ivy comes in and starts yelling at him for what he did to Sheridan. Sheridan comes in and Julian almost gets caught, but he covers his "derriere" once again. Sheridan then leaves for the airport and Julian is very proud of himself. He is really cocky until Ivy mentions the bird statue, and then he gets really upset. Ivy says Julian should be more careful when he's talking to Alistair, and Julian storms out, saying there is no bird. Ivy vows to find it. Hank comes over to Luis' house and yells at him because Sheridan is leaving for Europe and now Hank won't have a chance with her. He asks what Luis did to Sheridan but Luis doesn't know. Hank persuades him to call and talk to Sheridan, but Luis gets Julian who tells him that Sheridan already left for Europe (Sheridan is standing right there at the time). Luis says he has to leave because he has a date with someone special (he won't say who...it's probably his mom or something). Sheridan chats a little with a woman named Renee about how a man drove her to Paris. Luis walks up, and Renee immediately says that this must be the guy that drove Sheridan to Paris. Luis says Sheridan never told him that was the reason she was leaving, and what is going on? Kay calls Simone and reveals her new plan to get Miguel: she will seduce him when they go on the school ski trip without Charity. Simone hears her mom talking to Miguel, and Kay tells her to find out why. Miguel shows up to talk to Eve and asks if there's anything else they can do for Charity and Eve thinks that Charity has been having more visions. However, Miguel tells her that Charity thinks she will hurt him. Eve decides to go over to see Charity. Timmy is writing a love poem to Charity, but Tabby pulls him out of his dream world and tells him they have to get Charity to the dark side. Timmy says that Kay can have Miguel and he can have Charity, but Tabby says Charity has to kill Miguel for that to happen. Kay comes over and asks Tabitha if maybe she has a charm that will make Miguel see Kay's face, and then he'll fall in love with her. Tabby almost chokes when she finds out that Miguel and Charity broke up, but she gives Kay a worthless brooch, and Kay leaves. Tabitha tells Timmy that Charity must go on the ski trip so she can kill Miguel. Kay is getting beautiful for Miguel, and Jessica comes in to scold her about Charity. Kay says it isn't her fault that Charity is really wacko and maybe Charity has a brain virus. Charity remembers her vision of dead Miguel and gets scared. Jessica comes in and comforts her. Miguel and Eve arrive and Charity tells Miguel they can't be together. Eve asks to talk to Charity alone and they go into the kitchen. She makes sure that Charity's visions of her and Julian will not be publicized, and then persuades her to go on the ski trip. Miguel comes in, and when Charity turns around, she sees a vision of his face covered with blood!

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