Wednesday, 22 March 2000

Episode #186

The show starts with Julian dialing a number on his phone then he says hi, is the answering service? I'd like to leave a message for Dr. Eve Russell. Just then Ivy walks in and says well, well. Making some calls Julian? He says what did you hear? She said enough. I know what your secret is you were involved with Eve Russell. Julian laughs and says you have such a vivid imagination. I was just calling Eve about a hospital matter. About a meeting. Ivy comments that Charity has been released from the hospital and Julian says oh then those visions were nothing. Ivy says I walked in on one of her hallucinations. Julian says what was she hallucinating about. Ivy says you and Eve. Julian says she is insane. Ivy says I don't think so I think she has ESP. Julian says nonsense. Ivy says I think she was seeing you and Eve and your sexual past. I wonder what T.C. would do if he knew about it. Julian says you believe a lunatic teenager? She says why are you getting so upset if it didn't happen? He says think twice before you repeat these ridiculous accusation. Keep your mouth shut. TC would destroy this family if he heard these rumors. He leaves and Pilar walks in. Pilar says is he okay? He looked so upset. The phone rings and Pilar answers. It is Eve and she says she needs to speak with Julian Crane and Pilar says I am sorry he just left. Ivy takes the phone and says can I help you with something? Eve says I am just returning his call. She says about the board meeting or something else? Eve says just drop it Ivy! Ivy says she will find out their past and Pilar says and do what? seek revenge? Ivy and Pilar talk about Ivy and Sam being together in the past and how she won't leave Julian or end Sam's marriage. They will just have a love affair. Ivy says I have to find out about Eve & Julian's past. Pilar remind Ivy that you can't hide secrets and to leave Eve Russell alone. She is in the hospital. Dr. Watts walks up and Eve says are you sure Charity should have been release? Dr. Watts said I'm sure the medication I gave her worked. Eve says what about the possible side effects? Dr. Watts says she is susceptible to suggestions, but that should wear off soon. Eve says and the visions? Dr. Watts says I doubt she will have anymore. (Eve flashbacks to what Charity said when she was having her visions about Eve and Julian together). Eve says what caused them? Dr. Watts says it is unlikely we will ever know. Like I told Mrs. Crane. Eve says Ivy asked you about the visions? Dr. Watts said yes she was wondering if what a person said while hallucinating could be true. Eve says what did you tell her? Dr. Watts said one would need proof that what they were hallucinating actually happened. Eve is on the phone and T.C. walks in. He eavesdrops on Eve and hears her say who was trying to reach me? and the she says Julian Crane. T.C. remembers back to when Chad said jokingly maybe Eve was with Julian that night in the book cafe. Eve dials another number on the phone. T.C. walks over and kisses Eve. He says I just stopped by to get some health papers for school, baseballs season is starting. So you were calling Julian Crane? She says I had to reschedule a board meeting. He says you talked to Ivy? What did you tell her to drop? Eve says she admitted to me she wasn't going to give up on Sam. Ivy is nothing but a two face bitch. T.C. says wow I never heard you talk like that. She says Ivy just gets to me. He says I don't blame you. If Julian was trying to wreck my marriage I would make him suffer. T.C. gets a call and leaves. Julian walks in and said shouldn't we come to some agreement about this Eve? and T.C. hears them and says what agreement? Julian says just about the board meeting. T.C. says I don't believe you Julian and yells at him about taking his family farm and Julian says he had nothing to do with that. T.C. says leave my family alone and Julian says I understand and leaves. T.C says what is wrong Eve? She says nothing and they hug and T.C. leaves. Julian walks back in from behind a door and says we need to talk. He tells her that Ivy told him about Charity's hallucinations. Julian says Ivy won't give up until she finds the truth. Eve says you don't have the old pictures? He says no. She says the only other ones were destroyed in the fire. He says then there is no proof. All we have to do is deny everything. He says can't we be friends. She says never. She says those photos would just drive T.C. to madness if he ever found them. Julian says well he isn't dangerous. Kay calls the hospital and asks a nurse if she has seen a bird statue. The nurse says, what? A statue of a bird? Eve over hears and says I'll take that nurse. She says who is asking about a bird statue? The orderly takes the straight jacket off of her and he warns her not to do anything she will regret. Tabitha says I just want the paper and she starts looking through it for the story about Charity killing Miguel and can't find anything and says what happened. She remembers back to telling Timmy to make sure Charity kills Miguel. Could Timmy have failed his mission? Tabitha says I have to get out of here, but how? She comes up with an idea. She stuffs some pillows under her bed sheets and then starts saying; oh, oh, it hurts, it hurts. The orderly peaks through the screen on the door and says are you okay? Tabitha hides beside the door where the orderly can't see her and says I'm ill I need to see a doctor, now! He says what is wrong? She moans. He opens the door and walks in. Tabitha is behind the door and as he walks by she comes out from behind it and sneaks out. She sees a food cart and hides under it. The orderly say she escaped lets lock down the ward. The other orderly says okay I will get rid of this food cart. We have to find her. They empty the trays into the food cart compartment that Tabitha is hiding in and it goes all over her. The orderlies continue to look for Tabitha and they empty the food cart into a dumpster and don't see Tabitha as she falls in. Timmy is flash backing to when he whispered in Charity's ear to kill Miguel and how guilty he feels about doing that. He says Charity could never hurt Miguel. Could she? Charity wakes up and looks over and sees the scissors. Charity holds them in her hand says what am I doing with these? The she remembers back to her dream and then she goes into a trance again; saying Miguel, I have to see Miguel. Then she puts down the scissors and goes to put on a robe. Timmy comes out from under the bed and we see Miguel come to Charity's door. Timmy runs and hides. Miguel says; Charity? Charity says I will be there in a minute. She says I have to see Miguel and picks the scissors back up. Charity leaves the room and Timmy comes out of hiding and says I have to get out of here. He goes to the window and gulps and then he tries to climb down the terrace on the side of the house and loses his footing. Kay comes down the stairs and lets Simone in. Simone says what is wrong? you sounded crazed on the phone. Kay said Charity was standing over Miguel with those scissors. It was like a scene from scream. Simone says she would never hurt Miguel. Kay says it looked like she was going to. Simone says you are just looking for an excuse to get Charity locked up again. Kay says oh if I'm a liar, then where are the scissors? Simone says what do you mean? Kay says they are gone. I can't find them. Miguel knocks on the door and comes in. He asks about Charity and Kay says don't go near Charity! Kay says I am just worried about you and Charity Miguel. Miguel says I understand. I think your right to be worried. Miguel says thanks for making me realize how worried Charity is about being treated different after this. I have a surprise for Charity I will be right back and walks out of the room. Kay says how can he not think there is something wrong with her. Simone says cause there isn't. Kay says she is trying to kill him! Simone says you better hop he never finds out about the bird. Simone says don't worry I won't tell him. Well, have to wait until Charity wakes up and see how she is then. Miguel walks back in with flowers for Charity. He says I just want Charity to see how much I care for her and will always be there for her. Kay has a day dream that Miguel says she is the only woman for him. Miguel leaves to go upstairs and check on Charity. Miguel is back downstairs and says I wonder what is keeping Charity? I can't wait to show her my surprise. Kay says maybe she has one of her own. I am really concerned about her. I think the medication has affected her. I think she might hurt you. Then Simone looks out the window and sees Timmy falling to the ground and says what? Just then Charity walks down the stairs with the scissors. Kay said I knew she had them. Don't go near her Miguel! Charity says what is going on why did you scream? Kay says why do you have those scissors? Charity says I don't know. Charity sees the flowers and Miguel says they are for you. Kay says to Simone something is up with her. I need to find that bird. Miguel and Charity are in the living room talking. He asks her if she thinks the experimental drug might be making her fell weird. She says I feel a little strange. Miguel says I'm sure you will be back to your old self in no time. Then Charity has a vision of Miguel laying on the floor with the scissors through his chest. She stars crying saying what have I done? and then the vision goes away. Charity tells Miguel she is no good for him and to forget about her altogether and she leaves Timmy is outside and says he needs some martimmys, but he can't go into Tabitha's house because Fluffy will rip him to shreds. He says I hope Tabitha gets out soon. Timmy is still sitting on the bench outside Tabitha's house when Tabitha walks up. They go inside. Timmy says please never leave me again princess. I can't hack it on my own. Tabitha says same goes for me. Tabitha asks him if he completed his goal. He says well ... She says what? Timmy says, Timmy told Charity not to kill Miguel. She says how could you? are you trying to ruin me? We need her to kill Miguel before she gets her full powers. We are running out of time. Her powers are growing. Timmy says what do we do? and Tabitha says we have to make sure she kills Miguel! Simone is back at her house and she says if Kay ever finds out I have this bird I am dead. Why did I ever get involved? She wonders what is inside the bird and looks for a way to open it. She gives up and says it must have just been the paint that Charity had a reaction to. Just then T.C. walks in. He asks about the bird she says it is just some piece of junk she found and was just wondering if it had something inside it. T.C. says let me see it maybe I can get it open.

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