Tuesday, 18 January 2000

Episode #140

Tabitha is chasing Timmy around the house trying to get back the missing page from the tome. He tells her he won't give it back because he doesn't want to see Charity get hurt. Tabitha chases him around until he only has two ways to go: through Fluffy or through Tabby. Tabitha tells him she'll forget about the whole thing if he just gives her the page. He gets away from her and scurries up the chimney. She begs him to come out of there and he tells her he won't. Tabitha says she'll take Fluffy up on the roof and drop her on Timmy's head. Timmy gets freaked out and Tabitha says she wouldn't do that to Fluffy because it would scare her too much. She starts crumpling up newspaper and lights a match. Timmy asks what she is doing and she says there's a nip in the air and she's going to build a roaring fire. Timmy tells her he's not stupid...if she sets Timmy on fire, the page goes up in smoke with him...Check mate, Princess. Tabitha agrees and says she'll go with her original plan and drop Fluffy on him. Timmy finally gives in and gives her the page. He comes out covered in soot and Fluffy chases him around while Tabitha tries to decode the words on the page. When she does figure it out, she tells Timmy the only way to lure Charity over to the dark side is if Miguel dies at her hand. She says she has the perfect plan that will allow Charity to kill her beloved...today. Chad is looking around Orville's apartment for some answers to his past, but he's not having too much luck. He's holding the bird in his hands, but doesn't find the red envelope. Orville is in his room at the hospital and he thinks that Eve needs to find that envelope before anyone else does or it could be disastrous. Orville pages Eve and tells her to get over to his apartment. While Chad is looking around, he hears someone trying to come in. He goes out the window and hides. It was a neighbor of Orville's and a cop that she called. She tells the officer that Orville owes her money and doesn't want anything to happen that would keep her from getting the money back. Eve shows up and the lady hides the bird in her coat. Eve tells the officer who she is and that she is there to pick up something for Orville. She looks around for the bird, but can't find it. Luis announces to everyone that the man is not Martin Fitzgerald. The Lopez-Fitzgerald clan is ecstatic and the Crane clan looks like their world is about to unravel. Julian goes to the back of the church and Sheridan tells Ethan that if it wasn't Martin in that coffin, she may have killed the real Martin all those years ago. He tells her to get that out of her head and that until they get concrete evidence, she didn't kill anyone. Sam and Luis have their own suspicions and go to question Julian about the body. Ivy is talking to Julian saying he made a mess of things now and Alistair won't be happy about it. Sam asks Ivy to excuse them while they ask Julian some questions. Julian has a solid defense, so they don't have any ground to detain him any longer and Sam excuses him. Luis gets mad at Sam, but Sam tells him they will get him, but they have to have solid evidence first. They are thinking of ways to get inside the Crane mansion to look for answers or an insider to give them some information. Sam tells Luis that none of the Cranes will talk when Sheridan comes over and asks to speak to Luis privately. Kay is livid seeing Charity and Miguel together. Simone tells her to give up and Kay tells her that the magazine article said that she will be with Miguel all year since she was in his arms at midnight. Ivy overhears this and asks Kay what she was talking about. Kay explains and Ivy thinks about being with Sam. She tells Kay that she does believe the magazine and Simone freaks out saying the whole thing is stupid. Sam comes over and ask if everything is OK and Ivy tells him he has a lovely daughter. Sam talks to Ivy alone and tells her to stay away from his family and that he's married to Grace. Ivy says she knows that, but he was hers once. He walks away and Ivy vows to get him back. Miguel and Charity are talking with Pilar and she tells her how amazing it was that she knew it wasn't her husband. She says that kind of love is a miracle and the people that do find it are blessed. Miguel looks dreamy-eyed at her and Kay looks on about to spit nails. Theresa is talking with Whitney about, what else, FATE, and how it saved her yet again. Whitney tells her that Gwen is not going to back off and she needs to be careful. Gwen comes over to them and says she's waited long enough and she needs to speak with Theresa. Whitney leaves them alone. Theresa starts hightailing it to the back of the church and Gwen is following right behind her. Theresa plays stupid about what Gwen wants to talk about. Gwen is being really mean and says that she knows exactly what she wants to talk about and it's her fictional boyfriend. Gwen says that she's tired of playing her games and that Theresa messed with the wrong person. She wants Theresa to admit that there is no boyfriend and that she's in love with Ethan. Theresa starts to say something but Gwen continues on with her rampage. She tells Theresa that she tried to play in the major leagues but she couldn't hack it and she will always be in the minors. Ethan comes up to her and asks what is going on between them.

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