Tuesday, 11 January 2000

Episode #136

Timmy was hiding under Charity's bed and said that Tabitha is probably at home working on a plan to get him out of there. The scene cuts to Tabby snoring on the couch. Timmy decides to call her to see what was taking so long. He gets the phone and goes into the closet so Charity wouldn't hear him. He calls Tabitha and he realizes that she's been sleeping. Timmy asks her how she could sleep at a time like this. She told him she just needed a few winks so she could think. Timmy told her he sprinkled the herbs and said all of her mumbo jumbo and this is the thanks he gets. He says if Sam Bennett finds him, she won't have a Timmy to kick around anymore. He hangs the phone up and hides under the bed again as Charity is waking up. She wakes up and literally says "good morning world." She gets on her knees and prays for God taking care of her mother in heaven, her new family, Miguel and even her strange neighbor, Tabitha. She also asks God to bless the little doll Tabitha carries with her. Timmy smiles under the bed and sees Charity taking off her pj's. Timmy covers his eyes and says he shouldn't be watching this. He manages to get out of the room and hides in a chest downstairs before Kay could find him. Kay is telling Simone how she found Charity in bed with Miguel last night. Simone says she is lying and doesn't believe her. Kay says she swears on everything sacred that she saw them with her own eyes. She also tells Simone that Charity has everyone snowed with the goody-goody act and she's not buying it anymore. Simone tells Kay she's crazy and that Charity is genuinely good and sweet. She asks Kay what she was doing at Miguel's in the first place and Kay tells her she went over there to comfort him but Simone says she knew that Kay would have had an ulterior motives for going over there. Kay brushes this off and goes back to badmouthing Charity. They hear the stairs creak and Kay thinks that Charity is eavesdropping. It's actually Timmy, but he manages to hide in the trunk by the stairs. Charity comes down and Kay is snooty to her asking how long she's been there. Charity says she just came downstairs and that there are some strange leaves on the floor and goes to get the vacuum. Kay makes another comment about her and Simone thinks she's nuts. Kay says the best scheme the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. There is a knock at the door and it's Tabitha. She tells Kay she came over after she read about Miguel's father. Tabby spots Timmy in the trunk and asks for a drink. Kay and Simone go into the kitchen and she gets Timmy out. Tabitha hears the vacuum upstairs and tells Timmy he was supposed to put the herbs where Charity wouldn't find them. Kay comes back in and asks where the doll came from because she didn't have it when she came in. Tabitha says she did and Kay must not be herself today. She leaves and Kay says she could've sworn she didn't have the doll with her. Back at Tabitha's house, Timmy says he's not going to do anything like that for Tabitha again and he needs a martini. Tabitha laughs and says she couldn't get anymore herbs anyway, but she doesn't need them for her new plan to lure Charity to the dark side. She says they will have so much fun once Charity is on their side. Julian is thinking about what Alistair told him to do with Martin's body and makes a call to the morgue. He tells they guy he needs to see him at the Crane mansion right away and that it concerns Martin Fitzgerald. He gets upset and yells for that guy to get over to the house now! He hangs up and sees Ethan standing in the doorway. Ethan says he didn't hear what he was talking about but he sounded upset. Julian says that sometimes in the business world, you have to be forceful to get what you want. Julian tells Ethan he saw his arms around Theresa last night and Ethan tells him not to start. Julian says that he did want Ethan to have a fling with Theresa, but he doesn't want anything to harm the business deal between the Cranes and the Hotchkiss'. Ethan says he's not marrying Gwen for business, he's marrying her because he loves her. The topic turns to Sheridan, and Julian asks Ethan how close she is to Luis. Ethan says she's grateful to him because he saved her life and nothing more. Luis is still asleep on the couch and having a dream about his father because he kept saying "Martin, no." Sheridan comes out in her nightgown and watches him sleep. She is playing with his hair and says she's so grateful that he saved her life. The next scene, Sheridan is dressed and sitting on the couch. Luis is still asleep and wakes up after Sheridan runs her fingers through his hair. He wakes up and asks where he is. Sheridan tells him her cottage---he fell asleep after she fed him. Luis asks her why she didn't wake him up and she tells him he was exhausted and just needed to sleep. He thanks her for putting him up for the night and she tells him it's the least she could do. Ethan knocks on the door and comes in. He's shocked needless to say to see Luis there. Luis is using the phone to call his mother and Ethan asks what is going on. Sheridan tells him Luis fell asleep on the couch and not to read anything into it. Pilar tells Luis on the phone that she wants to see Martin's body again and Sheridan and Ethan overhear this. Luis says he needs to get home. The next scene Sheridan and Ethan are in the main house discussing Luis' visit and Julian inquires about this. Sheridan tells him to lay off and she was just helping him out because he was upset and it was the very least she could do. Julian, being Julian, asks if that was really all she could do. Ethan jumps to her defense and tells him to stop with the sexual innuendoes. Julian learns from the two that Pilar wants to see Martin's body again and he gets nervous. Sheridan says she's going to go over there to see if Pilar needs anything. Ethan says he will go too and Julian tells them to try to persuade Pilar to not see Martin's body again because she's been through so much. They leave and the guy from the funeral home shows up. Julian tells him to cremate Martin's body ASAP. Theresa, Miguel, and Pilar are talking and Theresa says she's going to give up on Ethan because she realizes now there is no future there. Miguel and Pilar are glad to hear this and Miguel tells her he hopes she really means it. Theresa says she does and she and Miguel leave for a walk. Later, Luis is asking Pilar why she wants to see the body and she tells him she doesn't truly believe that it was Martin, but there is a way to find out. She tells Luis about the scar and Luis says he will call the morgue so they can go see it. Theresa and Miguel are outside talking and she tells him she really means it that she wants to move on with her life without Ethan. She says it's time to grow up and join reality. She says she's going to call Mrs. Crane and quit her job so she won't even see Ethan again. Theresa does say that if their paths cross, she will tell him the truth. Miguel says he'll always be there for her and Theresa says the same thing. He leaves to go see Charity and tells Theresa that she will find someone else to love that will love her back. She says that she'll never love anyone but Ethan. Inside, Sheridan asks Pilar if there is anything she needs. She says no and Sheridan asks if she is really going to see Martin's body. She says yes. Ethan excuses himself to go outside. He finds Theresa and asks if she's okay. She says under her breath that fate meant for them to meet up again. Theresa says she's been better but there is something she needs to tell him. The phone rings inside and Luis answers. Someone on the other end informs him that there was an order to cremate Martin's body. He says that no one authorized that. He tells his mother that someone ordered a cremation and the body is gone.

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