Tuesday 4 April 2000

Episode #195

Theresa is fantasizing about Ethan, and Whitney has a fantasy about Chad. Chad leans to her like he is going to kiss her and she screams "No!" but it turns out he was just moving a candle away from her hair. They decide to play Scrabble, and Ethan and Theresa spell out words that have to do w/ weddings (like "honeymoon") while Chad spells out the word "desire." Whitney in turn spells out "never," and then Chad spells the word "condom." Whitney says she has no words, but Theresa says sure she does...the word "sex." Chad ends up winning and they decide to go to bed. Theresa tells Whitney that she shouldn't try to fight her feelings for Chad. After everyone goes to bed, Theresa gets up and sits by the fire. Ethan comes in and says he couldn't sleep either. They talk a little bit and then Ethan leaves, but not before telling Theresa that she really looks beautiful in the firelight. Meanwhile, Chad goes out for a walk and Whitney watches him from her window. He looks in because he can feel her watching him, but she hides. Charity tells Miguel that maybe her feelings were that something bad would happen to him if she didn't go on the ski trip. They decide to go find Kay. In the hot tub, Kay is inside naked when Reese walks up! He says he got Kay's note, and Kay secretly vows to kill Simone. Reese takes off his pants and gets in the hot tub with Kay, saying he had heard these trips got wild but he had no idea! He tries to kiss her when Simone walks up and asks what's going on. Miguel and Charity then walk up and ask the same thing! Kay is totally embarrassed, and is even more so when Reese mentions the note! Miguel and Charity leave, and so does Reese. Kay gets really mad at Simone and pushes her into the hot tub with all her clothes on! Simone yells at Kay and Kay apologizes and promises to help her get Chad. Meanwhile, Miguel says goodnight to Charity and goes to his room. Charity looks at some skis propped up against the wall and has a vision of Miguel with a ski pole in his chest! Luis calls Sheridan and she is pleasantly surprised to hear from him. He brings up Jean-Luc and she gets really angry, saying that she doesn't want Luis rubbing her bad relationships in her face. Luis tries to tell her that she may be in trouble, but she won't listen and slams down the phone. She then calls the hotel front desk and tells them not to take any more calls from Luis in Harmony. Meanwhile, Pierre is aiming the sniper rifle at Sheridan's head, but he can't get a clear shot because she keeps moving. Finally she steps out on the balcony and he shoots! However, he misses and the bullet grazes Sheridan's ear. She thinks it was just a bee and brushes it off. Roger suggests that they pretend to be Jean-Luc and invite Sheridan to the country house. They send Sheridan a note and she decides to go there, saying she'll show Luis. Back in Harmony, Pilar shows up and tries to persuade Luis to call Sheridan again. He tries, but of course he can't get through. He says maybe it's just a coincidence that the drug lord Jean-Luc was killed when Sheridan left Paris and he's making a big deal over nothing. However, he has a nagging feeling that something is wrong. Pilar says he should go to Paris, and he tries to argue that money is tight for the family. Pilar insists and Luis calls to make arrangements to go to Paris.

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