Tuesday 28 September 1999

Episode #62

Ethan decides to have Theresa arrested. He doesn't want to hurt Pilar, but he wants to make sure Theresa doesn't hurt anyone else. Whitney shows up while Ethan is on the phone with the police and begs him to listen to her. He doesn't have all the facts, she argues. Theresa is too afraid to tell Luis that she may be arrested tonight by Ethan Crane. Pilar is taken aback when Theresa recounts her latest mishap with Ethan and how she might have to go to jail. Pilar comforts her distraught daughter. Theresa is shocked by who shows up on her doorstep. A disheartened Tabitha and Timmy pack their belongings. Tabitha laments how they have to move since she failed to kill Charity. She contemplates the circus life, much to Timmy's dismay. Grace enlightens Tabitha with some stunning news. Kay hopes her subliminal messages will turn Charity against Miguel. Charity begins to stir, murmuring Miguel's name in her sleep. Grace pays her niece a visit. At the youth center, the young girls clamor around the glamorous Sheridan Crane while Luis and Hank coach the boys' basketball team. Sheridan is appalled when she learns the girls do not have their own team. Luis challenges Sheridan to a game of one-on-one when she claims basketball can't be too hard to learn.

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