Tuesday 25 April 2000

Episode #210

Simone walks in the living room with breakfast for Chad....Whitney then comes in and starts yelling at her and everything saying she needs to stop. Just then Theresa and Ethan come in saying that there is good news that the roads will be cleared soon so they can go home, Whitney says thank God. Ethan asks if there is a problem and Simone says that the only problem is Whitney. So Simone goes back to Chad and Whitney says that she wants to talk to Simone but Simone says no...So Whitney storms off to the room, Ethan says what was that all about, and Theresa says I don't know I'll go check on her...so she leaves. When Theresa gets there, Whitney talks to her self. Theresa asks what's going on, and Whitney tells her about what Simone saw. Theresa then accuses Whitney of being in love with Chad, Whitney of course denies it..Theresa tells her she's got it bad, saying that she sees the way they are together and she can tell that she likes him, Just then Simone walks in! And yells at Whitney saying she knew that Whitney wanted Chad all to herself, Whitney denies it and says that Theresa was just telling her that. So Simone asks Theresa if its true and she says If Whitney says she doesn't have a thing for Chad then we have to believe her. So Whitney Just tells Simone on the verge of tears that she doesn't have or nor will have feelings for Chad, she can't stand him he has no goals. And she says she is happy that she is a goody two-shoes, she says she is like her mother, and when she gets older and when she WANTS to settle down she won't settle for anyone like Chad who doesn't know what he wants..... Meanwhile, after Theresa left, Chad says that he's gonna go see what's up Simone says why, and he says I'm gonna go see how her leg is. Simone says there is no need that Theresa is in there with her and that shell be fine. So she goes and gets him a coffee. Ethan asks her what's going on with them and he says he doesn't know. So Ethan talks about Whitney and Chad and he asks Chad if he would like to get to know Whitney better, and Chad says he would....so they go to Whitney's room and walk in when Whitney says that she cant stand Chad and could never fall in love with him, and Chad just looks on really hurt, then Ethan clears his throat, and she turns around. Simone says to him that she's sorry and that Whitney can be like that sometimes but it doesn't mean that she feels that way. Chad and Whitney just look at each other. Ivy is talking to Grace saying that all she has to do is help her get Sam back and her marriage will be saved. TC comes in and tells them about the photo saying that he can tell that its a porno and that its probably some kids playing a prank on them. Ivy says that there are so many disquieting people around here, and Eve looks at her and says I know!. So TC says when he finds out who this couple is he is going to have them arrested, or get them in trouble. So Eve gets nervous and says maybe they didn't know. But TC says he just wants to see the picture now more than ever. So he leaves. Eve and Ivy talk more, and tells her one more time that all she has to do is just get her Sam back. Eve says she won't hurt her friend, and Ivy says Grace won't be hurt she can have Sam. All she wants Sam for is to have an affair. She says she doesn't want to break up there marriage, nor does she want to divorce Julian. She says she loves what comes along with being Mrs. Julian Crane. She says she just wants Sam for an affair. Eve says she will rot in hell before she helps her, then Eve says yes but you'll have to go through hell first to get there. So they go into the living room, and TC says that he can almost see the faces. Then Eve says to TC that this couple might not know that someone sent these pictures, someone could be blackmailing them. So Ivy says yes but these pictures could have been sent other places like peoples homes, and even hospitals! So TC says that he wants to see the picture, so then Eve backs up and says that she needs to talk to him clutching the family picture and he says wait because he wants to see the picture, and she says its important he goes wait I can see the faces, and then he gasps and says oh my God! Then Eve faints and Ivy looks at her with a pathetic look on her face. Sheridan is in her hotel room with the guy that is her bodyguard, but actually is paid to kill her. She asks him his name and he tells her (can't remember the name sorry). So then he asks if her American friend will be coming back soon, and she says no with a sad look, he is probably right now getting a flight back home. He asks her if she would show him where they were when the two men fired at her and her friend. So she goes out in the balcony and points to it, so he tells her she will have to show him so she gets up and shows him, he is just about to push her when Luis comes running in yelling for her, and pushes him out've the way and knocks him out. He is unconscious. He then turns around and hugs Sheridan, and she hugs him back. She breaks the hug and asks him what he is doing, and he says that he came in and he saw that she was almost killed, but then he says your all right, right? and she goes yes I'm fine. She asks how she was almost killed and he says that that guy was going to push her off the ledge, and she tells him how he is a cop to protect her, So then she says that the man is coming to. So he wakes up and Sheridan apologizes and everything, the man asks Luis why he punched him, he says he could have him arrested for assaulting a police officer, and Luis goes yeah, yeah, yeah! You were gonna push her off the ledge and he goes no I wasn't. So Luis asks for some ID and then calls the police department and asks them if he was sent to watch her. He gets off the phone and says that he is off the hook this time. Then she asks why are you here anyway, and he goes well I need my passport. She gets sad and says is that the only reason you came? and he says well you can't leave the country without a passport. So she asks when he is leaving and he says probably tonight. So she says this is probably good bye then right, and he says yeah. So Sheridan tells him it is too bad that he has to leave, when he didn't get to see the beauty of Paris, he says he did, he saw the country side, he overlooked Paris from the top of a hotel. She says but he didn't get to see the good stuff. She says he should get a tour guide, and he says he can't because he spend his savings on coming here. So she says that she happens to know someone who will only charge him for a drink and he smiles and say who she say me...so they head off to the Museum of Art. When they get there they are looking at a painting and Luis says that the picture reminds him of Harmony because of the mountain. Sheridan says well you must really love Harmony. He says well one day I plan on hooking up with someone and getting married, and starting a family of his own. And Sheridan looks down, He goes well you you've probably known you could only live in Paris, and she goes I could live other places, and he goes but not Harmony right, and she looks down just as that guy comes...and asks if they will be going after this and she says no there is more. So Luis and Sheridan leave. And that guy calls Roger and Pierre and tells them they are leaving the museum. Sheridan and Luis end up stopping at this little place. And he says they should stop they've been walking forever but Sheridan says she's not tired and he goes you must be your wearing heels. She looks at him and he says when you go for a hick it is better to wear flats. And she says oh so are you gonna tell me how to dress huh. And he goes I'm not gonna fight with you on this. Lets just go inside and get an espresso, that was part of our bet. And she says YOU can get an espresso, and I will get a glass of wine! that is my drink so he goes fine and they go inside. That guy calls Roger and Pierre back and says that they are at the cafe, and Pierre says not to let them leave they will be right there. So the man goes inside. Sheridan tells the waiter he regular table, they sit down and that guy comes in and sits in back of them. They order, and Luis says he doesn't like it, after Sheridan says how perfect the day was. She asks why he doesn't like it she says this is her favorite place she comes here all the time. Luis says I know that is why its not safe for you because someone who wants to kill you would come here. Sheridan says well I'm not leaving! So they end up staying. Just as Pierre and Roger show up and Pierre says for Roger to go in the side and Pierre will go in the back. The waiter comes over and gives them there orders. Sheridan says thank you and tells Luis that she is fine and that she has a guard that will protect her.

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