Tuesday, 1 February 2000

Episode #150

They are in the kitchen talking about their getaway and how romantic it will be. Sam says he's not telling anyone where they are going so they cannot be disturbed. Jessica calls from the store and tells them to come over there because they won't believe what just happened. Ivy smiles knowing she'll get to see her precious Sam. When they arrive, Jessica shows Grace the order she just rang up and she and Sam wonder who bought all of that stuff. Ivy says she did and Sam whirls around and looks at her. Grace goes back to help Jessica wrap all of the gifts and Sam tells Ivy to stay away and he means it. She says she just needs one hour alone with him and he tells her to forget it. Jessica comes out and asks if she needs the gifts right away or if she can wait until morning. Ivy tells her the morning is fine and thanks her for all of her help. Grace comes out and Ivy asks when she will be getting new stuff in because she enjoys it so. Grace says any day now since Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Grace kisses Sam and says they can definitely go away together now since they sold all of that stuff. Ivy overhears and says "yes they can." Julian is on the phone with Alistair and asks how he plans to keep Sheridan and Luis apart. Alistair tells him to get her there and he will lay down the law. Julian says he can tell she might be smitten with Luis but he is only using her to get information on the family. He says by the time she wakes up, it will be too late and she will have brought down the entire family. Luis apologizes to Sheridan for putting her on the spot. He tells her she doesn't owe him anything for saving her life and maybe they should just forget it. She tells him no, she won't forget it. She says she wants to go out with him tonight and it has nothing to do with him saving her life. He smiles at her and he says he will pick her up and they can go to the Lobster Shack and she says it's a date. Sheridan realizes she used the "D" word and stammers over it. Luis says he guesses it is. She asks him if he's okay with that and he tells her that it's not him, he's worried about her because of what her brother will do if he finds out they are going out. Sheridan tells him not to worry because she doesn't take orders from anyone and her family learned a long time ago not to tell her what to do or who to see. Her cell phone rings and she excuses herself. It's Julian and he tells her he needs to see her immediately because there is an urgent family matter. Sam shows up at the Youth Center as Luis is closing up. He asks Luis if he'd be interested in working the night shift and Luis tells him no because he has a date. Sam congratulates him and asks who he is going out with. Luis says he doesn't really want to talk about it because her family wouldn't approve. Sam says to please tell him he's not taking out Sheridan Crane. Luis says he is. Sam says they are worse than oil and water. Luis tells him he's done a 180 in the Sheridan department as she is not the spoiled rich princess he thought she was. He tells Sam that she has really been there for him. Sam inquires about this and Luis tells him "friend to friend" that she helped him snoop in the mansion and Sam flips out. He tells Luis that he's playing a very dangerous game and he will get hurt if he pursues this. Luis says he will find out the truth and when he does, he will nail them. Luis tells Sam that Sheridan believes in the truth and wants to help him. Sam warns him to be careful because he's known men that have been involved with that family and they appeared to be genuine, honest and loving but the pressure from the family is applied and they have to go along with it and the guys involved are told to go to hell. Luis assures him that Sheridan is not like the rest of her family and she doesn't care what her family says. Sheridan walks into the library all smiles and Julian says "there's a smile that could brighten any room." She tells him that his sarcasm can't ruin her good mood and to get on with whatever he needs to see her about because she's on a schedule. He asks her what she's doing and she says if he must know, she's going out with Luis. He tells her that is what he wanted to talk to her about. Sheridan tells him that she and Luis are none of his business. He tells her that she made it his business when they were supposedly having brandy and giving into their lust in the library by the safe. Sheridan tells him he's afraid of someone finding out what's in the safe. He says she can look through the safe and she does. She doesn't see anything but Crane Industry foreign contracts. She says she believes him and Julian tells her she cannot go out with Luis. Sheridan tells him she doesn't care what he thinks and he tells her that Father wouldn't like it either. She says she doesn't care what he thinks either and then Alistair's voice says "you should" which startles her. She asks Julian why he didn't tell her he was on the phone and Julian responds that Father asked him not to. Alistair tells her that she is not be associate with Luis by any means. Ethan tells Gwen he doesn't want her answer and she gets upset saying this is all her fault and she should have believed him a long time ago. She gets dressed and tells Ethan that she can't bare to see him and that she'll love him forever. Ethan stops her and tells her she can really be dense sometimes. He tells her that he loves her and he does want to marry her, he just wants it to be perfect when he does ask her. She says she feels like a fool but tells Ethan that she loves him and asks for a hint. He tells her he loves her and leaves. She looks in his planner and sees a heart by Valentine's Day, so she thinks that is when he is going to ask her. Pilar stops Theresa from going upstairs and tells her she must forget about the idea of marrying Ethan because it will never happen. He spent the night with Gwen and he wants to spend his life with her. Theresa asks why she is doing this to her and Pilar says it's for her own good. She says their family can never get mixed up with the Cranes. Theresa is crying and looks devastated when she walks out of the mansion. Whitney is walking up and asks Pilar what happened. She tells her how Ethan and Gwen spent the night together and Whitney tells Theresa she'll take her home. Theresa and Whitney go to the Book Cafe and Theresa starts to cheer up when she figures out why Gwen and Ethan spent the night together. Whitney asks what she is talking about and Theresa says he was letting her down gently and last night was to say good-bye. Whitney tells her she's nuts and she has to stop thinking about Ethan. She asks Theresa if she remembers when she wanted something when she was little how she would wish and wish for it to come true. Theresa says she remembers, and Whitney tells her they aren't little kids anymore and she can't just keep wishing for Ethan to be hers because it won't happen. Theresa's cell phone rings and it's Ethan. He says he needs to see her and asks where he can meet her. She tells him the Book Cafe and she hangs up quite pleased. She tells Whitney that he must be coming there to tell her they belong together because fate means for them to be together. Ethan shows up and Theresa asks if Gwen accepted his proposal. He tells her there wasn't one and she says she's sorry. Ethan says it was rough at first, but Gwen understands. His phone rings and it's the jewelers. He says he needs to see the engagement rings ASAP. Theresa overhears and she tells Whitney that it's happening faster than she thought because Ethan wants to buy her an engagement ring. Whitney tells her she's jumping to conclusions. Ethan asks Theresa to come with him because he is going to buy an engagement ring for Gwen and Theresa faints. Ivy comes into the living room and tells Pilar she needs her ski equipment set out. Pilar tells her she's glad she's going to Europe to stay away from Sam but Ivy informs her she's not going to Europe. Pilar says she knows this has something to do with Sam and asks what she is up to. She tells Ivy that it will be disastrous and Gwen walks in and asks if everything is all right. They tell her everything is fine. Gwen announces that she and Ethan are back on track and hopefully she and Ethan can announce their engagement very soon. Kay asks why they are at Tabitha's. Charity says she feels that Tabitha might know something about the fish. Reese says he knows the little boy in the wizard costume took it. Kay says he must have hit his head harder than he thought because he sounds ridiculous. Inside, Tabitha the mermaid is on the floor and Timmy says he'll find the right incantation and turn her back. He does another one but it gives him bunny ears. Reese looks through the mail slot and sees Tabitha's fish tail and tells everyone. Timmy pulls Tabby out of the way before anyone else sees it. Charity starts to buy into this story and Miguel tells them they are being ridiculous. They decide that no one is home so they will just come back and ask her about the fish. Charity hears something break inside and they try the door but it's locked. The Scooby Gang decides to find another way in. Tabitha is covered with a blanket on the couch and Timmy hides before they come in the house. She wakes up and asks why they are there. Charity asks if she knows anything about her fish that was taken from the windowsill and Tabitha says she doesn't. Reese sees water on the floor and Tabby says she spilled some earlier. Kay announces they have taken up enough of Tabitha's time so they leave. Tabitha's tail gets uncovered and Reese turns around and sees it and says "it was you!"

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